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Global coupling mechanism of Sun resonant forcing of Mars, Moon, and Earth seismicity


Title (Dublin Core)

en-US Global coupling mechanism of Sun resonant forcing of Mars, Moon, and Earth seismicity

Description (Dublin Core)

en-US Global seismicity on all three solar system bodies with in situ measurements (Earth, Moon, and Mars) is mainly due to the mechanical Rieger resonance (RR) of macroscopic flapping of the solar wind, driven by the well-known PRg=~154-day Rieger period and commonly detected in most heliophysical data types and the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Thus, InSight mission marsquakes rates are periodic with PRg as characterized by a very high (≫12) fidelity Φ=2.8·10^6 and by being the only ≥99%-significant spectral peak in the 385.8–64.3-nHz (1–180-day) band of highest planetary energies; the longest-span (v.9) release of raw data revealed the entire RR, excluding a tectonically active Mars. To check this, I analyzed the rates of the October 2015–February 2019, Mw5.6+ earthquakes, and all (1969–1977) Apollo program moonquakes. To decouple the magnetospheric and IMF effects, I analyzed the Earth and Moon seismicity during the traversals of the Earth’s magnetotail vs. IMF. The analysis showed with ≥99–67% confidence and Φ≫12 fidelity that (an unspecified majority of) moonquakes and Mw5.6+ earthquakes also recur at RR periods. Approximately half of the spectral peaks split but also into clusters that average into the usual Rieger periodicities, where magnetotail reconnecting clears the signal. Moonquakes are mostly forced at times of solar-wind resonance and not just during tides, as previously and simplistically believed. There is no significant dependence of sun-driven seismicity recurrence on solar cycles. Earlier claims that solar plasma dynamics could be seismogenic due to electrical surging or magnetohydrodynamic interactions between magnetically trapped plasma and water molecules embedded within solid matter or for reasons unknown are corroborated. This first conclusive recovery of the global coupling mechanism of solar-planetary seismogenesis calls for a reinterpretation of the seismicity phenomenon and reliance on global seismic magnitude scales. The predictability of solar-wind macroscopic dynamics is now within reach, which paves the way for long-term, physics-based seismic and space weather prediction and the safety of space missions. Gauss–Vaníček Spectral Analysis revolutionizes geophysics by computing nonlinear global dynamics directly (renders approximating of dynamics obsolete).

Subject (Dublin Core)

en-US seismogenesis
en-US Rieger resonance of the solar wind
en-US space weather
en-US quake prediction
en-US Mars
en-US Earth & Moon

Publisher (Dublin Core)


Date (Dublin Core)


Type (Dublin Core)

en-US Peer-reviewed Article

Format (Dublin Core)

en-US application/pdf

Identifier (Dublin Core)


Source (Dublin Core)

en-US Journal of Geophysics; Vol 65 No 1 (2023): 1-46

Relation (Dublin Core)


Creator (Dublin Core)

en-US Omerbashich, M.
InterServer Web Hosting and VPS
InterServer Web Hosting and VPS