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Scientists now know that (and how) the Sun paces strong quakes — and not just on Earth


Title (Dublin Core)

en-US Scientists now know that (and how) the Sun paces strong quakes — and not just on Earth

Description (Dublin Core)

en-US The discovery of clocking between the Sun-emitted waving jets of gas (solar wind) and seismicity on Earth, Moon, and Mars rewrites seismology and the astrophysics of stars and stellar systems.

In his 2019 fundamental discovery of the moon-moderated mechanism for generating M6.2+ strong (tectonic) earthquakes and sequences on timescales of hours to days (, Dr. Mensur Omerbashich established that this mechanism of external energy transfer/insertion into the Earth's system is resonant, so that mantle convection (internal heat) does not critically affect seismotectonics, in contrast to classical understanding. GPS data subsequently confirmed that find (

Now expanding on these results, Dr. Omerbashich shows in a new computational study that the Sun forces strong seismicity and does so not only on Earth but on the Moon and Mars too - all three worlds on which we directly collected seismometer data. The new study thus confirmed the long-suspected connection between the Sun (the magnetism) and strong seismicity, and it deciphered how that interplay works on long timescales of months to years - the clocking mechanism. To achieve this, Omerbashich used the Gauss-Vaniček spectral analysis ( as the only method for rigorously extracting periodicity from gapped measurements.

As found in the 1970s, the Sun constantly and periodically releases large amounts of its particles into space as gas jets of magnetized hot plasma called the solar wind. The wind's magnetization creates the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF). Akin to gigantic tongues of fire, these densely packed jets of overheated gas flap gracefully and quasiperiodically (locally briefly) about the ecliptic. Together with other particles, including those from sudden Sun explosions, the solar wind forms a bubble of magnetism called the heliosphere. This bubble permanently envelopes our entire solar system as our star tugs us while tirelessly circumnavigating the Galactic Center.

As found in the 1970s, the Sun constantly and periodically releases large amounts of its particles into space as gas jets of magnetized hot plasma called the solar wind. The wind's magnetization creates the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF). Akin to gigantic tongues of fire, these densely packed jets of overheated gas flap gracefully and quasiperiodically (locally briefly) about the ecliptic. Together with other particles, including those from sudden Sun explosions, the solar wind forms a bubble of magnetism called the heliosphere. This bubble permanently envelopes our entire solar system as our star tugs us while tirelessly circumnavigating the Galactic Center.

As found in the 1970s, the Sun constantly and periodically releases large amounts of its particles into space as gas jets of magnetized hot plasma called the solar wind. The wind's magnetization creates the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF). Akin to gigantic tongues of fire, these densely packed jets of overheated gas flap gracefully and quasiperiodically (locally briefly) about the ecliptic. Together with other particles, including those from sudden Sun explosions, the solar wind forms a bubble of magnetism called the heliosphere. This bubble permanently envelopes our entire solar system as our star tugs us while tirelessly circumnavigating the Galactic Center.

The new result applies not only to the vicinity of our Sun but also stellar systems around billions of trillions of Sunlike stars in the observable universe (which means most of the stars out there, not counting dwarfs). The exact mechanism of local coupling of the solar/stellar wind to solid matter, resulting in rupturing (quakes) on planets and moons, is poised to become the focus of cross-disciplinary research worldwide in the coming quest for universal quake prediction - anywhere and at any time. The groundbreaking new study was published online last week in the world's oldest periodical in geophysics, the Journal of Geophysics (

Subject (Dublin Core)

en-US seismogenesis
en-US Rieger resonance of the solar wind
en-US space weather
en-US quake prediction
en-US Mars
en-US Earth & Moon

Publisher (Dublin Core)


Date (Dublin Core)


Type (Dublin Core)

en-US News Feature

Format (Dublin Core)

en-US application/pdf

Identifier (Dublin Core)


Source (Dublin Core)

en-US Journal of Geophysics; Vol 65 No 1 (2023): 47

Relation (Dublin Core)

Creator (Dublin Core)

en-US News Staff
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InterServer Web Hosting and VPS